The first pair of tags we’ll write are the HTML tags themselves. You put one HTML tag at the top, and one at the bottom:
There are things t consider in this coding:

1.The word "HTML" is surrounded by angle brackets.
2.The second tag has a forward slash before the HTML.
All your tags must be surrounded by the angle brackets < >. This tells the browser that there is some HTML code that needs executing, and that it is not to be shown on the web page. Miss an angle bracket out and it can really mess up your web page.The first Tag tells the browser to start doing something; the second tag tells the browser to stop doing it. The stop symbol is that forward slash. So miss that out and, again, your web page can really be messed up.
This HTML code tells a browser like IE or Firefox that the code is Hypertext Markup Language.
The next pair of tags are the HEAD tags.They go between the two HTML ones.(<HEAD> </HEAD>)
This HEAD section of HTML page is where we put special instructions for the browser.But your browser will not print directly to a web page when things are interested into the HEAD section.It means the HEAD secion will ignore direct text.
A special instruction your browser can understand is the TITLE tag (<TITLE> <TITLE>).
Whatever you type between the two TITLE tags is what appears at the very top of your browser window.
The final and most important part of the HTML is BODY section.
In between those two BODY tags is where you’ll write most of your HTML code.When you type something between the two BODY tags and then view the results in a browser, whatever you typed will be displayed. As long as it’s not a tag, your browser will try to display it for you. So remember: if you want people to see it, put it between the BODY tags.
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