Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wonderful event ever ever hosted in Sri Lanka -Google I/O Extended

After a long time, (nearly 2 years) I thought to start writing to you on this historical day in Sri Lankan history.Today one of the big event hosted in Sr Lanka.It is none other than Google I/O Extended Sri Lanka with the partenership of Sri Lanka Mobitel with 2500+ participants
         It is proud to say I got a seat to be in here.As well as I am member of the 20% percentage of women who are participating in this event.It is a big proud to me.Now I'm live with the event.

So far we  listened to Google glass event and now we are watching with live event
Here I listed what I watched out.

  • Android L - Security

Here they considered about the operating system security and privacy

  • Google Camera

Google camera will be used as the official camera of android operating system.However if you are a member of Nexus you can get this through Google Pay

  • Material Designer - L Developer Preview

The next operating system of Google will start with letter "L" and we can experience the Designer Preview of it from today.

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